Mother Teacher in school

Hello everyone you may be wonder that what is talking about the subject matter?
yes , yes this is really wonderful to talk about A Mother Teacher. Can you Guess how is it?
Lets Start , Start to think as A Mother first.

Every Mother loves their Child their son or daughter.who dose not love? I Love my Child much. you might love your child. when a tragic times come in our love , mean to say when the school time is start in our child life of course a mother got tragic hours in daily life. because her child would be far  from her eyes for long hours. then every mother of a small school child could be worried about the child.

in this situation ,again think that how it would be wonder, if  that mother got teaching job in same school where her child goes to learn? A Lucky Mom, or a lucky child.that is Wow ! isn't ?
but it may create some problem to all the parents too.because  a mother is mother in school.yes,there are many more rules for the students and Teachers but each can be break anytime  by a mother teacher and a daughter or son student. but it is all happening. in  schools ,in our life and in our child's life. we are facing a lots of problems in school as a parents.may be you also have same experience !you are also a parents only not a teacher mom but only a mom. are you a teacher mom?, if you are, oh please shift your job or your child to another school.Please do not show your power to innocents  students and parents that you are the teacher .Do not make your child so over strong or spoil just it is because of you are with her or him as a mother. Please do not break any rules made for all.

You must know that all the students are the same .all parents are their mom, they fill so good with each other as you feel.Never cheat the students in Teaching in competition and game.Give same chances to all the student even.I Request you all mother not to work in the school where your child using study.

Article  by
Pabita Khanal


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